RSVP - Oregon CALM
See list of current training dates below
|Time and location are specific to each date
RSVP to join the waiting list.

Time & Location
See list of current training dates below
Time and location are specific to each date
About the Event
If there are not currently any open community trainings, you can RSVP here to be notified of future trainings. Sometimes we are able to open up seats in agency trainings if they are not completely full. We typically know if there are available seats about 2 weeks in advance.
Feel free to review our currently scheduled agency training dates for your planning purposes!
Oregon CALM is a full-day training developed to assist health care and direct service providers in approaching Lethal Means Counseling with an informed, collaborative, and respectful attitude. It has been adapted from the National CALM curriculum to incorporate components of Addressing Firearm Safety with Patients at Risk of Suicide: A Couse for Healthcare Providers in Rural Areas and research with Oregon rural firearm owners.
Oregon CALM is a suicide prevention training that is neither anti-gun nor anti-medication. Given the focus on lethal means counseling, course content and discussions will cover these topics in depth.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand why means matter through local and national data, relevant research, and practice scenarios
- Learn the most effective ways to address means with firearms owners through Oregon-specific research, video demonstrations, and practice scenarios
- Build confidence in conducting lethal means counseling related to firearms, medications, and other means with clients at risk of suicide
Participants will receive a certificate of completion and 5 CE's from the Oregon NASW, either of which can be submitted to other credentialling boards for Continuing Education Credits.