We provide trainings, workshops, and keynote addresses on a wide range of prevention topics and lived experiences.

Behind the Post
Social media can skew our view of the relationships around us and influence our decision to stay in unhealthy ones. This One Love video and discussion-based workshop explores
the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering youth to identify and avoid abuse in friendships, dating, and all types of relationships. More information about One Love can be found here: joinonelove.org
Duration: 40-60 min.
Audience: High School and College students (age 14-22)
Group Registration: $300 for groups up to 30. Per person discounts for groups larger than 40. Contact us for a quote.
Delivery: In-person or virtual

Clothing Optional. Consent Required.
How’s your game? I mean your consent game. Learn about sexual consent, why you need it, and how to get it….like really get it. This interactive session promotes an honest discussion about consent and communication within relationships through a variety of engaging activities. Explore what it means to have enthusiastic consent so it can be GAME ON.
Duration: 60-90 min.
Audience: College students (could be modified for younger)
Group Registration: $300 for groups up to 30. Per person discounts for groups larger than 40. Contact us for a quote.
Delivery: In-person

Blurred Lines
Let’s break down sexual consent – what it is, who can give it, and how to get it without coercion. Explore the “gray areas” or perceived blurred lines when alcohol is involved and between bad sex and sexual assault. Learn to recognize the difference between consent and coercion and the signs of incapacitation through several interactive activities in a session that also brings levity and even a few laughs to an otherwise intense topic.
Duration: 60 min.
Audience: College students (could be modified for younger)
Group Registration: $300 for groups up to 30. Per person discounts for groups larger than 40. Contact us for a quote.
Delivery: In-person

Beyond the (Gender) Box
Have you ever been told to “Man up!” or “Act like a lady”? What does a phrase like “boys will be boys” actually mean? Engage in a thought-provoking conversation about what society tells us it is to be a “real” man or woman, explore how these gender expectations perpetuate violence, and learn ways to help prevent it. Imagine what life might be like if everyone was free to “just be me.”
Duration: 60 min.
Audience: College students (could be modified for younger), Educators, Agencies, Parents, Community
Group Registration: $300 for groups up to 30. Per person discounts for groups larger than 40. Contact us for a quote.
Delivery: In-person or virtual

A Mom’s Journey of Love, Trauma, Mental Health, Addiction, and Learning how to Navigate a System of Parental Expectations without Rights or Resources
In a world, “my world,” this would never happen to my child, to me, to my family. I was educated; informed; and teaching in our community and schools on mental health, suicide prevention, and substance abuse; but I still didn’t see it coming. If your child's arm is broken it would be abuse to not treat it, however, if your child's mind needs care, where do you turn? Breaking the silence on these topics and the barriers we face when dealing with our own challenges is part of the journey, too. Join me as I set aside my professional life (RN and Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator), and instead share my personal life and lessons I have learned along the way. Things like how to know “it's” coming; how to help, protect, love, and care for a child who doesn’t want it; doing it in a system that gives rights to someone who isn’t developmentally able to accept responsibility; a system that takes your parental rights away while continuing to hold you responsible; and most importantly, how to hold hope when it seems more hopeless than ever.
Duration: 2 hours, can tailor depending on your needs and availability
Audience: Healthcare Providers, Parents, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Agencies, Human Services Agencies, Community, Schools
Group Registration: $300 for groups up to 30. Per person discounts for groups larger than 40. Contact us for a quote.
Delivery: In-person keynote address

Training & Technical Assistance is available for groups and organizations in conjunction with any of our Incite Agency for Change services. Here are a few ways that we think we can help.